Saturday, 2 May 2009

Bailey on Slug Patrol

Just to finish this stream of blogs of the feathered variety and since the ducks haven't had much of a look in recently... here's Bailey, the drake, checking out the opportunities in the newly planted up tyres. 

Bob Flowerdew would be proud of me. They work really well as instant raised beds, particularly good for potatoes, as you can keep adding another tyre on top as you "earth" them up and Bailey provides the alternative to slug pellets. The old carpet underneath hides an already dug over bed with a deep layer of chicken muck and straw preparing for planting later in the year. I haven't decided what but it lets me think about it and when the tyres are finished with I just knock them over, lift the carpet and spread the compost on top of the bed below. 

Well thats the theory, we shall see how it works, this is my plan for low maintenance vege gardening while I am off doing things with camera or dogs or both.

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