Thursday, 26 February 2009

Palma is an Aunty New Cesky Terrrier Pups Day 1

Palma, one of Scouts roving Reporters has sent me the first pics of the new Ridley pups.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Murphy, the Springer joins us to keep us upto date on the Microchipping Campaign

Hello Scout,
I’m Murphy- a 9 month old springer spaniel. I live with a family of 4 and the youngest girl (Lauren) is my favourite as she feeds me every night, lets me clamber all over her bed, cuddles and kisses me and feeds me lots of treats! She also plays a game with me where she hides treats in the garden- and I go and try to find them! That’s my favourite game of all.

She’s involved in an animal action group called S.O.F.A (it stands for Speak Out For Animals) at her school and the members of the group are running a petition to make microchipping of all dogs compulsory. They are basically trying to make it law for all dogs to be micro chipped- and I totally agree with them, as I would hate it if I went missing and was rehomed with a different family. How would someone else know what my favourite game is?! I think their campaign would help a lot of dogs like me to stay safe and reunited with their family if we got separated.

I would love to keep you updated with the progress of the S.O.F.A club- I’m sure plenty will be going on in the next few months!

They now have 7360 signatures on their
petition- but if you would like to sign it, it can be accessed on the internet- and several girls will be handing round the petition at Crufts on Saturday 7th- so it will also be able to be signed then as well. About 20 girls will be at Crufts on that day- and they will be accompanied by the SOFA leader- Sue Cole.

If you would like to talk to any of the girls on that day, they will be at the Dog Theft Action's stand, 4, 6, & 8 in hall 2 to discuss all issues relating to dog theft, microchipping and scanning in the UK.
See you soon

Find out about our Press Pack - Latest News

Have a look at the Press Pack for news of our Dream Team on their way to Crufts

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

10 honest things about myself by Scout - To qualify as a winner of the Honest Scrap Award awarded to me by Fenway

1. I’m one of Peg’s Pups in the Well Balanced Pup DVD - you can see me having dinner at the start of the clip on You Tube
2. I try it on quite a lot with Archie and Lilly cos I would like to be top dog
3. I still think I will be top dog when I grow up and I think they do too.
4. I always get the muddiest because they roll me over on my back when I get too much.
5. My favourite thing is playing games and I will play for ever
6. Rose thinks I’m becoming a teenager cos I don’t always want to come in when she calls me – she says I will grow out of it soon.
7. My Dad Beinn is a hero –he just found a lady who was frozen to the hillside in the Lakes
8. Rose thinks I’m not old enough to work at Crufts this year so she’s said I can be Editor in Chief and work from home and promised me I can go next year.
9. I do like chasing the hens but I don’t hurt them when I catch them but perhaps that’s why they’re not laying much
10. My real name is Daisy - Scout is only my “nom de paw” but it sounds better in my day job

Fenways blog is at just to prove he is real and he has some great videos on You tube too this onereminds me that summer will com back one day - just seems a long time coming

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Well I've made a start with the Blogs I can pass on the Honest Scrap awards to

So these are the lucky winners of the honest scrap award !


Having fun with Twitter

Thing about Twitter is I'm hearing about news faster than I normally would - just have to sniff out the dogs and people who are interested in the same things I am - otherwise i'll get buried under a load of news I'm not interested in.

Honest Weblog award - means I've got to come clean

Ouch Fenway has awarded us with an Honest Weblog award which sounds a bit scary!The rules:"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on! "

Will have to have a think about this!

Monday, 9 February 2009

Early puppy socialisation or giving the pups a good time

I've been reading on a lot of forums about problems with dogs being put down for biting people and I really wish more people did more with their pups before they left their mum. One of the people who has written about this is David Appleby. Have a look at some of the things he has written at the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors and check out Pegs Pups if you havent seen it yet. it shows Peg teaching her pups their manners and having fun at the same time.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

We're getting the Press Pack ready to go to Crufts

We getting the team ready to go to Crufts. We're ordering our smart new Press Pack jackets and sorting out the work rota. We hope to have two tickets for dogs for each day so we are working out who is available and when.

My cousin Coire is going down to take part in the Good Citizen competition; Logan is talking part in the obedience for the Irish team; Tallulah who we met at Discover Dogs is taking part in her Young Kennel Club heelwork to music competition and Jethro the Bloodhound, who we also met at Discover Dogs, is going to be demonstrating hunting the clean boot!

Mirk will be going down for all four days but I have decided to stay at home - I'm not ready to work at crufts yet - probably next year when I am a bit older.

10/10 Rating for the Well Balanced Pup DVD

Good News for Well Balanced Pup to start the New Year! We've just heard that we have had a really good review for the DVD in February issue of Your Dog magazine. We scored 10/10 in their review and they recommended it as a "must have DVD" for anyone planning to breed a litter. They also recommended it as a good buy for people planning to buy a pup, to give them ideas of questions to ask of a breeder. Not forgetting the added bonus of the ahhhh factor of the footage of the puppies. Go out and get a copy and read it for yourself!